The piece of land known as Ekupumleni [Hazeldean] (Portions 25 & 28 of Farm 604) is situated on White Road, just off Lansdowne Road in the Phillippi East area of the W Cape. It is approximately 6.5Ha in extent. The property is bounded to the south and east by formal housing and a railway reserve adjoins the western side of the site. Access is gained from White Road running north-south through the site.
The Ekupumleni project more broadly includes the DHRC (Derek Hanekom Resource Centre), a residential component and a detention pond. Also forming part of this development is an adjacent site (Portion 25) of less than half a hectare that was originally identified as a school site.
Over the years PEP provided the following technical assistance:
Before 2010
- Preparation of township layout plans and co-ordination of work of various professionals
- Trained and assisted communities to build 117 houses
- Liaised with local government to secure planning approvals (e.g. rezoning subdivision and general plan)
- Supported the community in refurbishing the Derek Hanekom centre.
After 2010:
- Assisted the communities to re-organise and demand basic services from Provincial Government and the City of Cape Town.
- Assisted the community to secure funding for said infrastructure from the City of Cape Town
- Facilitated the signing of a Land Availability Agreement between uTshani and the city – which enabled infrastructure to be installed
- Introduced a social developer (Orange House Investment & Cordaid Matters) to assist the communities in completing the development.
The installation of infrastructure set a precedent as it came after house construction and on private land (the city normally only installs infrastructure before houses are erected and on municipally owned land). This precedent has allowed for a similar approach to be followed in other projects (e.g. Ruo Emoh). Currently PEP is working with Phuhlisana in order to regularize the Communal Property Association (CPA) in Hazeldean and eventually transfer title to residents.
As of 2020 PEP is working with 80 beneficiaries (mainly female) who have plots in Hazeldean and would now like to build houses. The first step in this process is to secure subsidies from the city. Subsequently PEP will work to assist in the co-design and construction of houses. We are excited to look at alternatives to standard subsidy houses but cognizant that the funding and building regulations may make this difficult.