ISSP Cape Agulhas
PEP was contracted by the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements (WCDHS) to provide support to the Cape Agulhas Municipality (CAM). PEP spent two years working in 3 informal settlements across Cape Agulhas – Zwelitsha (Bredarsdorp), Ou Kamp (Struisbaai) and Napier (Napier). Over this period, the PEP team established and institutionalised leadership structures, created mechanisms for improved project planning and communication with the municipality, kickstarted upgrading plans and projects, conducted an enumeration and facilitated co-produced upgrading plans for informal settlements. A wealth of information was provided to CAM – and new people-centred methods of engaging informal communities promoted for institutionalisation in the Municipality’s working practices. Despite the contract ending, PEP continues to work in Cape Agulhas and has implemented an upgrading project in Napier informal settlement (details under current projects).