ACC Studios

ACC Studios

Over the last 6 years, PEP has successfully worked with African Centre for Cities (ACC) to conduct studios in several communities. Each year has a slightly different focus with projects in Ruo Emoh, Hazeldean, Vukuzenzele and Napier working on documenting complicated housing histories and stories which demonstrate the commitment, determination, and innovation of communities. The documents produced were given back to the community as to give voice to their struggles and history. They were also used as advocacy tools for engaging officials and promoting the critical value of participatory upgrading.

In the last 2 years, studios have taken place in four small informal settlements in Khayelitsha. The focus of these studios was aligned with PEP’s infrastructure upgrading strategy – with a focus on project research and preparation for solar lighting and flooding mitigation. This work provided valuable insights and research taken forward into project implementation. Details of both these projects can be found under the current projects section of this website.